Options for Symbols


Syntax: get name -k [variableName]

Get the symbol shape, for plots with symbols.0 = no symbol, 1 = square, 2 = circle, 3 = up triangle, 4 = down triangle, 5 = diamond, 6 = cross (+), 7 = cross (x), 8 = star (*), 9 = bar (-), 10 = bar (|), 11 = number, 12 = LETTER, 13 = letter, 14 = right arrow, 15 = left triangle, 16 = right triangle, 17 = hexagon, 18 = star, 19 = pentagon, 20 = sphere. The numeric values of 56 and 58 display special symbol types: 56 = data markers and 58 = vertical lines that mark the X position of the data point.


Syntax: -kb [variableName] For graphs with data labels, determine whether the data labels display in bold font style. 1 = bold on, 0 = bold off.


Syntax: get name -kf [variableName]

Get the symbol interior, for plots with symbols. 0 = solid, 1 = open, 2 = dot center, 3 = hollow, 4 = + center, 5 = x center, 6 = - center, 7 = | center, 8 = half up, 9 = half right, 10 = half down, 11 = half left.


Syntax: get name -kh [variableName]

Get the symbol edge thickness in a data plot. The return value is the edge thickness value, and if value = 255, it means the edge thickness is set to Default.


Syntax: get name -ki [variableName]

For graphs with data labels, determine whether the data labels display in italic font style. 1 = italic on, 0 = italic off.


Syntax: get name -kn [variableName]

For graphs with alphanumeric symbols (set DatasetName -k 12 or set DatasetName -k 13), get the font index. Use get DatasetName -kn variableName. For example: range rr = [Graph1]Layer1!1;get rr -kn UsedFont;;


Syntax: get name -ku [variableName]

For graphs with data labels, determine whether the data labels display with an underline. 1 = underline on, 0 = underline off.

-z; Get the data point symbol size

Syntax: get name -z [variableName]

Get the data point symbol size measured in points (pts). One point= 1/72 inch.