check given treenode to see if it has an Auto checkbox, and to replace the double value if it is Auto
int tree_check_replace_auto( TreeNode & tr, double dValToReplace )
Returns the one of the following:
#include <GetNbox.h> void GETN_ADD_AUTO_ex1() { GETN_TREE(tr) GETN_BEGIN_BRANCH(tt, _L("Output Find Specific X/Y Tables")) GETN_OPTION_BRANCH(GETNBRANCH_OPEN) GETN_NUM(start, "Start Time", 1) GETN_ADD_AUTO(1) GETN_NUM(stop, "Stop Time", 100) GETN_ADD_AUTO(1) GETN_END_BRANCH(tt) if(GetNBox(tr)) { tree_check_replace_auto(, NANUM); tree_check_replace_auto(, -1); out_tree(tr); } }