

Searches this string for the match of a character.

This overloaded member function searches this string for the match of a substring.


int Find( char ch, int nStart = 0 )

int Find( LPCSTR lpcszSub, int nStart = 0, BOOL bCaseSensitive = TRUE )


[input]A single character to search for.
[input]The index of the character in the string to begin the search with. If nStart equals 0, search starts from the beginning. The character at nStart is excluded from the search if nStart is not equal to 0.

[input]A pointer to a string to search for.
[input]The index of the character in the string to begin the search with. If nStart equals 0, search starts from the beginning. The character at nStart is excluded from the search if nStart is not equal to 0.
[input]Perform a case-sensitive searching if TRUE


Returns the zero-based index of the first character in this string object that matches the character or the requested substring. It will return -1 if not found.



// Find a single character  
void string_Find_ex1()
        //Search character from the beginning, character is case-sensitive
    string str("abcdef");
    int nRet = str.Find('c');     
    out_int("", nRet);                         // 2
    nRet= str.Find('C'); 
    out_int("", nRet);                         // Can not be found, nRet = -1

    //Search character from the specified index, character is case-sensitive
    nRet = str.Find('c',1);               // Search from the second char
    out_int("", nRet);                         // 2
    nRet = str.Find('c',4);               // Search from the fifth char
    out_int("", nRet);                         // -1


// Find a string  
void string_Find_ex2()
        //Search a string from the beginning, character is case-sensitive
    string str("abcdef");
    int nRet = str.Find("de");
    out_int("", nRet);                         // 3
    nRet= str.Find("De"); 
    out_int("", nRet);                         // Can not be found, nRet = -1
    //Search a string from the specified index, character is case-sensitive
        nRet = str.Find("de",1);        //search from the second char
    out_int("", nRet);                         // 3
    nRet = str.Find("de",4);    //search from the fifth char
    out_int("", nRet);                         // -1
    //Search a string from the specified index, character is case-insensitive
    nRet = str.Find("DE",1,FALSE);
    out_int("", nRet);                         // 3  


See Also

string::FindOneOf, string::ReverseFind

header to Include
