Get names of storage class objects
BOOL GetStorageNames( vector<string> & vsNamesn, int nType = STORAGE_TYPE_ALL )
// Check for all storage on the active page // Import data using the Import Wizard to ensure creation of system storage object // Import a sound (WAV) file to create a WAVE storage void GetStorageNames_Ex1() { Page pg = Project.Pages(); Tree tr; storage st; vector<string> vsStoreNames; BOOL bRes = pg.GetStorageNames(vsStoreNames, STORAGE_TYPE_INI); if( bRes ) { for( int ii = 0 ; ii < vsStoreNames.GetSize() ; ii++ ) { printf("%u : %s\n", ii, vsStoreNames[ii]); st = pg.GetStorage(vsStoreNames[ii]); if( st ) { vector<string> vsNames; if(st.GetSectionNames(vsNames)) { for(int ii = 0; ii < vsNames.GetSize(); ii++) { printf("Section:%s\n", vsNames[ii]); Tree tr; if(st.GetSection(vsNames[ii], tr)) out_tree(tr); } } } } } }
Get names of storage class objects.