Descriptive Statistics


Name Brief Example
Data_percentiles Calculate percentiles at given percent values for the given dataset. Examples
Data_sum Dataset basic summary (descriptive) statistics. Examples
ocmath_2d_binning Compute frequency count for 2D binning on two arrays pX and pY. Examples
ocmath_2d_binning_ex Compute descriptive statistics for 2D binning on three arrays pX, pY and pQuantity. Examples
ocmath_2d_binning_stats Compute descriptive statistics for 2D binning on two arrays pX and pY. Examples
ocmath_b_cumulative_sum Computes the cummulative sum of the data. Examples
ocmath_b_frequency_count Frequency Count for type byte Examples
ocmath_b_mean_variance calculate mean and variance, and also supports missing value. Examples
ocmath_b_minmax Find indices to min/max values and also to return the number of missing values in the given range. Examples
ocmath_b_minmax_in_range Find indices to min/max values that fall withing given value range and also to return the number of missing values. Examples
ocmath_b_sum Calculate the vector's sum, minimum and maximum. Examples
ocmath_basic_summary_stats Function to compute basic descriptive statistics. Examples
ocmath_bin_width Compute bin width for a histogram Examples
ocmath_corr_coeff Calculates Pearson rank, Spearman rank and Kendall rank correlation coefficients. Examples
ocmath_count Count the number of occurances of the elements in the input vector that are satisfied with the comparison condition. Examples
ocmath_d_cumulative_sum Computes the cummulative sum of the data. Examples
ocmath_d_find_most Find the most bin. Examples
ocmath_d_frequency_count Frequency Count for type double Examples
ocmath_d_mean_variance calculate mean and variance, and also supports missing value. Examples
ocmath_d_minmax Find indices to min/max values and also to return the number of missing values in the given range. Examples
ocmath_d_minmax_in_range Find indices to min/max values that fall withing given value range and also to return the number of missing values. Examples
ocmath_d_running_ave_circular Calculate pX's every segment's average and SD circularly. Examples
ocmath_d_sum Computes the cummulative sum of the data. Examples
ocmath_discrete_frequencies Function to calculate frequency count for discrete/categorical numeric data. Frequency if computed for each value of input data. Examples
ocmath_f_cumulative_sum Computes the cummulative sum of the data. Examples
ocmath_f_frequency_count Frequency Count for type float Examples
ocmath_f_mean_variance calculate mean and variance, and also supports missing value. Examples
ocmath_f_minmax Find indices to min/max values and also to return the number of missing values in the given range. Examples
ocmath_f_minmax_in_range Find indices to min/max values that fall withing given value range and also to return the number of missing values. Examples
ocmath_f_sum Calculate the vector's sum, minimum and maximum. Examples
ocmath_frequency_count Function to calculate frequency count Examples
ocmath_i_cumulative_sum Computes the cummulative sum of the data. Examples
ocmath_i_minmax Find indices to min/max values and also to return the number of missing values in the given range. Examples
ocmath_i_minmax_in_range Find indices to min/max values that fall withing given value range and also to return the number of missing values. Examples
ocmath_mean_increment Devides the array to multiple parts and get each part's mean increment, standard deviations. Examples
ocmath_percentiles Function to compute percentiles for a vector passing percents and percentiles in vectors.
ocmath_opt_summary_stats Function to compute descriptive statistics other than ocmath_basic_summary_stats. Examples
ocmath_quantiles Function to compute quantiles including Min, iMin, Max, iMax, Range and IQR for a vector. Examples
ocmath_round_range Round a set of min, max and increment values. The range is defined by pMin and pMax, divide the given range, round the increment and the range [pMin, pMax]. Examples
ocmath_round_with_tolerance Roundup input data array. Examples
ocmath_row_desc_stats get input matrix's each row's mean, standard deviation, se of mean, min, max, sum and total number of data point and put result to relative pointer if the pointer not NULL. Examples
ocmath_row_quantiles get input matrix's each row's min, max, 1st Quartile, median and 3rd Quartile and put result to relative pointer if the pointer not NULL. Examples
ocmath_ui_sum Calculate the vector's sum, minimum and maximum. Examples
ocmath_us_cumulative_sum Calculate the cumulative sum of the data. Examples
ocmath_us_find_most Find the most bin. Examples
ocmath_us_frequency_count Frequency Count for type ushort Examples
ocmath_us_mean_variance calculate mean and variance, and also supports missing value. Examples
ocmath_us_minmax Find indices to min/max values and also to return the number of missing values in the given range. Examples
ocmath_us_minmax_in_range Find indices to min/max values that fall withing given value range and also to return the number of missing values. Examples
ocmath_us_sum Calculate the vector's sum, minimum and maximum. Examples
ocmath_z_minmax Find indices to min/max values of the phase of the complex and also to return the number of missing values in the given range. Examples
ocu_discrete_frequencies Function to calculate frequency count for discrete/categorical text data. Frequency if computed for each value of input data. Examples
shift_2d_correlation_circular Calculate the circular 2D correlation function using the shift_cumulate method. Examples
shift_2d_correlation_linear Calculate the linear 2D correlation function using the shift_cumulate method. Examples
QCD2 Quality Control D2 Factor. Examples
QCD3 Quality Control D3 Factor. Examples
QCD4 Quality Control D4 Factor. Examples