Symbol Plot

To run the following examples, please run the LabTalk script below first to prepare a new workbook with the "Group.DAT" data. Make sure that the new created workbook should be active before running each example.

newbook;  // create a new workbook
fname$ = system.path.program$ + "Samples\Graphing\Group.DAT";  // file path
impasc;  // import the file to the new workbook

Simple Scatter Plot

Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 8 SR2

This example is used to create a simple scatter plot with some changes on the symbol type, size, color, etc..

void simple_scatter_plot()
        Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer();  // get worksheet with group.dat data
        if( !wks )
                out_str("Please activate worksheet with group.dat data!");
        // plot simple scatter plot
        DataRange dr;
        dr.Add(wks, 0, "X");
        dr.Add(wks, 1, "Y");
        GraphPage gp;
        gp.Create("scatter");  // create scatter graph
        if( !gp )
                out_str("Failed to create scatter plot!");
        GraphLayer gl = gp.Layers(0);
        int nPlot = gl.AddPlot(dr, IDM_PLOT_SCATTER);  // add plot to layer
        if( nPlot >= 0 )  // if add plot successfully
                DataPlot dp = gl.DataPlots(0);
                dp.SetSymbol(12);   // set symbol shape: empty circle
                dp.SetColor(SYSCOLOR_BLUE);  // set color: blue
                Tree trFormat;
                trFormat.Root.Symbol.Size.nVal = 12; // set size: 12
                trFormat.Root.DropLines.Vertical.nVal = true;  // add vertical droplines
                if( 0 == dp.UpdateThemeIDs(trFormat.Root) )
                        dp.ApplyFormat(trFormat, true, true);

Scatter Central Plot

Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 8 SR5

This example is used to create a scatter central plot with some changes on the symbol color and shape.

void scatter_central_plot()
        Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer();  // get worksheet with group.dat data
        if( !wks )
                out_str("Please activate worksheet with group.dat data!");
        // plot scatter central plot
        DataRange dr;
        dr.Add(wks, 0, "X");
        dr.Add(wks, 1, "Y");
        GraphPage gp;
        gp.Create("ScatterCentral");  // create scatter central graph
        if( !gp )
                out_str("Failed to create scatter central plot!");
        GraphLayer gl = gp.Layers(0);
        int nPlot = gl.AddPlot(dr, IDM_PLOT_SCATTER);  // add plot to layer
        if( nPlot >= 0 )  // if add plot successfully
                DataPlot dp = gl.DataPlots(0);
                dp.SetSymbol(110);   // set symbol shape: sphere
                dp.SetColor(SYSCOLOR_RED);  // set color: red

Y Error Plot

Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 8.1 SR1

This example is used to create a Y error plot. It also changes some formats of the symbols and error bars.

void y_error_plot()
        Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer();  // get worksheet with group.dat data
        if( !wks )
                out_str("Please activate worksheet with group.dat data!");
        // plot simple scatter plot
        DataRange dr;
        dr.Add(wks, 0, "X");  // X column
        dr.Add(wks, 1, "Y");  // Y column
        dr.Add(wks, 3, "ED");  // Error column
        GraphPage gp;
        gp.Create("Errbar");  // create error bar
        if( !gp )
                out_str("Failed to create scatter central plot!");
        GraphLayer gl = gp.Layers(0);
        int nPlot = gl.AddPlot(dr, IDM_PLOT_SCATTER);  // add plot to layer
        if( nPlot >= 0 )  // if add plot successfully
                for(int nPlot=0; nPlot<gl.DataPlots.Count(); nPlot++)  // set format for plots in the layer
                        DataPlot dp;
                        switch (nPlot)
                                case 0:
                                        dp = gl.DataPlots(0);  // scatter plot
                                        dp.SetColor(SYSCOLOR_RED);   // set color
                                        Column colSize;                                 
                                        colSize = wks.Columns(2);  // column C
                                        dp.SetModifier(COLDESIG_SIZE, colSize);  // column C as size
                                        Tree trFormat;                                  
                                        trFormat.Root.Symbol.Scale.dVal = 2.;  // scaling factor
                                        trFormat.Root.Symbol.Shape.nVal = 5;   // symbol shape: diamond
                                        trFormat.Root.Symbol.Interior.nVal = 1;  // interior: empty
                                        if(0 == dp.UpdateThemeIDs(trFormat.Root))
                                                dp.ApplyFormat(trFormat, true, true);  
                                case 1:
                                        dp = gl.DataPlots(1);  // error bar
                                        Tree trFormat;                                  
                                        trFormat.Root.Line.Color.nVal = SYSCOLOR_BLUE;  // set color
                                        trFormat.Root.Line.Width.dVal = 2.;     // set line width
                                        if(0 == dp.UpdateThemeIDs(trFormat.Root))
                                                dp.ApplyFormat(trFormat, true, true);  // apply theme tree

XY Error Plot

Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 8 SR1

This example is capable of creating a scatter plot with X and Y error bars. The formats of symbols, X and Y error bars are modified too, including symbol shape, size, color, width of error bar, etc..

void xy_error_plot()
        Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer();  // get worksheet with group.dat data
        if( !wks )
                out_str("Please activate worksheet with group.dat data!");
        Curve crv(wks, 0, 1);
        GraphPage gp;
        gp.Create("Scatter");  // create scatter
        if( !gp )
                out_str("Failed to create scatter central plot!");
        GraphLayer gl = gp.Layers(0);
        int nScatterPlot = gl.AddPlot(crv, IDM_PLOT_SCATTER);  // add plot to layer
        if( nScatterPlot >= 0 )  // if add plot successfully
                Column colXErrBar(wks, 2);  // column C
                int nXErrPlot = gl.AddXErrBar(crv, colXErrBar);  // add column C as X error
                Column colYErrBar(wks, 3);  // column D
                int nYErrPlot = gl.AddErrBar(crv, colYErrBar);  // add column D as Y error
                if( nXErrPlot >= 0 && nYErrPlot >= 0)
                        for(int nPlot=0; nPlot<gl.DataPlots.Count(); nPlot++)
                                DataPlot dp;
                                switch (nPlot)
                                        case 0:  // set format for scatter plot
                                                dp = gl.DataPlots(0);
                                                dp.SetColor(SYSCOLOR_RED);  // set color
                                                Tree trFormat;
                                                trFormat.Root.Symbol.Shape.nVal = 5;  // set shape: diamond
                                                trFormat.Root.Symbol.Interior.nVal = 1;  // interior: empty
                                                trFormat.Root.Symbol.Size.nVal = 12;  // set size: 12
                                                if(0 == dp.UpdateThemeIDs(trFormat.Root))
                                                        dp.ApplyFormat(trFormat, true, true);  // apply theme format tree
                                        case 1:  // set format for X error bar
                                                dp = gl.DataPlots(1);  // X error bar
                                                Tree trFormat;                                  
                                                trFormat.Root.Line.Color.nVal = SYSCOLOR_MAGENTA;  // set color
                                                trFormat.Root.Line.Width.dVal = 2.;     // set line width
                                                if(0 == dp.UpdateThemeIDs(trFormat.Root))
                                                        dp.ApplyFormat(trFormat, true, true);  // apply theme tree
                                        case 2:  // set format for Y error bar
                                                dp = gl.DataPlots(2);  // Y error bar
                                                Tree trFormat;                                  
                                                trFormat.Root.Line.Color.nVal = SYSCOLOR_BLUE;  // set color
                                                trFormat.Root.Line.Width.dVal = 2.;     // set line width
                                                if(0 == dp.UpdateThemeIDs(trFormat.Root))
                                                        dp.ApplyFormat(trFormat, true, true);  // apply theme tree

Bubble Plot

Minimum Origin Version Required: Origin 8.1 SR1

This example is used to create a bubble plot. Mean while, the sizes and colors of the bubbles are set by existing columns.

void bubble_plot()
    Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer();
    if( !wks )
       out_str("Pls activate worksheet with group.dat data");
    // plot bubble
    DataRange dr;
    dr.Add(wks, 0, "X");  // X column
    dr.Add(wks, 1, "Y");  // Y column
    GraphPage gp;
    gp.Create("bubble");  // create bubble plot 
    GraphLayer gl = Project.ActiveLayer();
    int nPlot = gl.AddPlot(dr, IDM_PLOT_SCATTER);
    if( nPlot >= 0 )  // add plot successfully
       DataPlot dp = gl.DataPlots(0);
       Column colSize = wks.Columns(2);
       dp.SetModifier(COLDESIG_SIZE, colSize); // column C as Size
       Column colColor = wks.Columns(3);
       dp.SetModifier(COLDESIG_COLOR, colColor); // column D as Color Map