Options for Lines
Syntax: set name -d style#
Set the line style. E.g., 0 = solid, 1 = dash, etc. See in the line style list in the appendix.
Syntax: set name -dn dataset
Set the plot line style to be Indexing, and use dataset to specify the values for line style indices.
Minimum Origin Version Required: 2016 SR0
Syntax: set name -l connection#
Set plot line connection method. Line connection method, numbered in order: 0 = scatter, 1 = line, 2 = segment, 3 = segment3, 8 = Bspline, 9 = spline, 11 = step horz, 12 = step vert, 13 = step center, and 15 = Bezier.
Syntax: get column
Set the column that contains the Fill to data plot dataset (the column named by the Data Plot drop-down on under Fill Area Under Curve). 0 = Next Plot, nn = offset.
Syntax: set name -lhc value
Set the horizontal drop line color. Follows the color palette: 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.
Syntax: set name -lhs value
Set the horizontal drop line style. 0 = solid, 1 = dash, etc. as in the line style list.
Syntax: set name -lhw value
Set the horizontal drop line width. 500 = 1 point.
Syntax: set name -lvc value
Set the vertical drop line color. Follows the color palette: 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.
Syntax: set name -lo value
Show/hide drop lines on XY plane for 3D scatter plot or trajectory plots. 1 = show drop lines, 0 = hide drop lines.
Syntax: set name -lh value
Show/hide horizontal drop lines on 2D plot.
Show/hide drop lines on XZ plane on 3D scatter plot or trajectory plots.
1 = show drop lines, 0 = hide drop lines.
Syntax: set name -lv value
Show/hide horizontal drop lines on 2D plot.
Show/hide drop lines on YZ plane on 3D scatter plot or trajectory plots.
1 = show drop lines, 0 = hide drop lines.
Syntax: set name -lvs value
Set the vertical drop line style. 0 = solid, 1 = dash, etc. as in the line style list.
Syntax: set name -lvw value
Set the vertical drop line width. 500 = 1 point.
Syntax: set name -w [variableName]
Set line width. Units are pts X 500. Line must have an an associated Line tab in Plot Details.
Syntax: set name -wn dataset
Set the line width by using dataset to index width of each segment.
Syntax: set name -wp [variableName]
Set line width. Units are pts (see -w above).