Brief Introduction
Gets (reads) the value of a certain attribute of the dataset, data plot, or worksheet specified by name.
get name option [variableName]
Specifying Worksheet, Dataset or Data Plot
We usually specify worksheet, dataset or data plot by name.
- If name is a worksheet, all datasets on the worksheet are affected.
- If name is a dataset or data plot, only that dataset or data plot is affected.
/Tip_icon.png) |
As of Origin 2017, name can refer to multiple plots of the same worksheet dataset, using a Book_N:n syntax.
Specifying Data Point
We can specify the data point by providing a number after the dataset name. For example:
get %C 13 -c nn; //This gets the color of 13th datapoint in the plot
Note: This datapoint notation can be only applied to the following options:
Scatter/Symbol+Line Related Option |
-z , -c , -cse , -csf , -k , -ka , -kf , -lh , -lhc , -lhs , -lhw , -lv , -lvc , -lvs , -lvw |
Bar/Column Related Option |
-pbc , -pbs , -pbw , -pfb , -pfc , -pfp , -pfw |
Specifying Pattern
From Origin 2017 SR1, if you want to set the pattern properties for a multiple pattern plot, you can specify the pattern index after “p” in option directly. That is to say, p is the first pattern, p2 is the second pattern, p3 is the third pattern and etc.For example:
//plot two lines that intersect with each other before executing code
set %c -pf 1; //Turn the fill area option on
set %C -pfv 9; //Set the the Fill Area Under Curve to "Fill to next data plot –Above Below Colors"
get %C -pfb n1; //Get the color of "Pattern Above"
get %C -p2fb n2; //Get the color of "Pattern Below"
Note: This pattern notation can be only applied to the following options:
Bar/Column Related Option |
-pfb, -pfc, -pfm, -pff, -pfp, -pfw |
This command places the return value into variableName. If variableName is absent, the value is placed into the variable v1. The option switch determines what value is placed into variableName or v1.
Options for Columns
Option |
Description |
-b |
Get the beginning of the display range |
-b3o |
Get the start value of the 3D Bars |
-b3co |
Get fill type of 3D surface plot |
-b3cd |
Get dataset name of 3D surface plot fill |
-e |
Get the end of the display range |
-f |
Get the corresponding X value |
-hbb |
Get the histogram lower bin value |
-hbe |
Get the histogram upper bin value |
-hbs |
Get the histogram bin size |
-i |
Get the X increment for the name dataset |
-it |
Get the internal data type |
-paal |
Get whether pattern follow line transparency |
-paap |
Get whether pattern transparency for Fill Only |
-set |
Get whether the Text & Numeric datasets show numeric values as text elements or numeric |
Options for Data Plots
Option |
Description |
-c |
Get the line color and symbol edge color |
-cd |
Get the dataset to define the plot line and symbol edge color |
-cf |
Get the fill color |
-ci |
Get the start color index when the plot line color and symbol edge color is increment |
-cld |
Get the dataset to control line color |
-cli |
Get the start color index of plot line color increment |
-clm |
Get the source data set when the plot line color is colormap |
-cln |
Get the source data of the plot line color indexing |
-clo |
Get the line color type |
-clr |
Get source dataset for RGB values of the plot line color |
-cmn |
Get the color index for level n |
-cm |
Get the source dataset for the colormap of plot line and symbol edge color |
-cn |
Get the source dataset for the color indexing of plot line and symbol edge color |
-co |
Get the method to define the plot line and symbol edge color |
-cr |
Get the source dataset used to define the RGB values of the plot line color and symbol edge color |
-cse |
Get the index of symbol edge color |
-csed |
Get the dataset to control symbol edge color |
-csei |
Get start color of symbol edge color increment |
-csem |
Get the dataset for symbol edge color mapping |
-csen |
Get the dataset for symbol edge color indexing |
-cseo |
Get the symbol edge color type |
-cser |
Get the dataset for RGB values of symbol edge color |
-cset |
Get the plot symbol edge color pattern |
-csf |
Get the symbol fill color index |
-csfd |
Get the dataset to control symbol fill color |
-csfi |
Get start color index of symbol fill color increment |
-csfm |
Get the dataset for symbol fill colormapping |
-csfn |
Get the dataset for symbol fill color indexing |
-csfo |
Get the symbol fill color type |
-csfr |
Get the dataset for RGB values of symbol fill color |
-cu |
Get the custom color increment list of the line plot as a dataset |
-cue |
Get the status of custom color increment list |
-cuf |
Get the custom increment color list for pattern fill |
-cus |
Get the custom increment color list for symbol edge |
-cusf |
Get the custom increment color list for symbol fill |
-czn |
Get the color value for Z level |
-gtl |
Get the leader line to symbol gap |
-gtt |
Get the gap between leader line and label |
-paaf |
Get whether plot Transparency for Fill Only |
-pgpa |
Get the pie or doughnut starting azimuth (deg.) |
-pgpd |
Get the enable doughnut status (pie or doughnut) |
-pgpdh |
Get the pie or doughnut hole size |
-pgpho |
Get the pie or doughnut horizontal offset |
-pgpva |
Get the 3D pie view angle |
-sx |
Get the X offset value for a data plot |
-sxs |
Get the scaling factor of X value after stacking for a data plot |
-sy |
Get the Y offset value for a data plot |
-sys |
Get the scaling factor of Y value after stacking for a data plot |
Options for Lines
Option |
Description |
-d |
Get the line style index number |
-dn |
Get name of indexing line style |
-l |
Get the line connection method |
-ldf |
Get the dash lines setting |
-lfp |
Get the worksheet column that is the Fill to Data Plot dataset |
-lh |
Get whether drop lines along X direction are displayed |
-lhc |
Get the horizontal drop line color |
-lhs |
Get the horizontal drop line style |
-lhw |
Get the horizontal drop line width |
-lo |
Get whether drop lines along Z direction are displayed |
-lv |
Get whether drop lines along Y direction are displayed |
-lvc |
Get the vertical drop line color |
-lvs |
Get the vertical drop line style |
-lvw |
Get the vertical drop line width |
-w |
Get line width. Units are pts X 500. Also gets connecting line width, provided the connecting line has an associated Line tab in Plot Details (e.g. connecting lines in stacked bar graph but not connecting lines in box plots). |
-wn |
Get name of indexing line width |
-wp |
Get line width. Units are pts (see -w, above). |
Options for Symbols
Option |
Description |
-k |
Get the symbol shape |
-kb |
Get whether the data labels display in bold font style |
-kh |
Get the symbol edge thickness |
-ki |
Get whether the data labels display in italic font style |
-kn |
Get the font index |
-ku |
Get whether the data labels display with an underline |
-paas |
Get whether symbol follow line transparency |
-z |
Get the data point symbol size |
Options for Text Labels
Option |
Description |
-tf |
Get the data label font |
-tj |
Get the data label justification |
-tr |
Get the data label text rotation angle in degrees |
-ts |
Get the data label font size in points |
-tx |
Get the x offset for the data label |
-ty |
Get the y offset for the data label |
Options for Bar and Column Plots
Option |
Description |
-pbc |
Get the bar or column border color |
-pbcd |
Get the dataset to control bar or column border color |
-pbci |
Get start color index of bar or column border color increment |
-pbcm |
Get the dataset for bar or column border colormapping |
-pbcn |
Get the dataset for bar or column border color indexing |
-pbco |
Get the column border color type |
-pbcr |
Get the dataset for RGB values of bar or column border color |
-pbs |
Get the bar or column border line style |
-pbw |
Get the bar or column border width |
-pd |
Get whether vertical drop lines are displayed |
-pf |
Get whether the fill area option is enabled |
-pfb |
Get the bar or column background color |
-pfbd |
Get the dataset to control bar or column fill color |
-pfbi |
Get start color index of bar or column fill color increment |
-pfbm |
Get the dataset for bar or column fill colormapping |
-pfbn |
Get the dataset for bar or column fill color indexing |
-pfbo |
Get the column fill color type |
-pfbr |
Get the dataset for RGB values of bar or column fill color |
-pfc |
Get the bar or column fill pattern color |
-pfcd |
Get the dataset to control bar or column pattern color |
-pfci |
Get start color index of bar or column pattern color increment |
-pfcm |
Get the dataset for bar or column pattern colormapping |
-pfcn |
Get the dataset for bar or column pattern color indexing |
-pfco |
Get the column pattern color type |
-pfcr |
Get the dataset for RGB values of bar or column pattern color |
-pff |
Get bar or column gradient fill color |
-pffd |
Get the dataset to control bar or column gradient fill color |
-pffi |
Get start color index of bar or column gradient fill color increment |
-pffm |
Get the dataset for bar or column gradient fill colormapping |
-pffn |
Get the dataset for bar or column gradient fill color indexing |
-pffo |
Get the column gradient fill color type |
-pffr |
Get the dataset for RGB values of bar or column gradient fill color |
-pfm |
Get the mode of gradient fill |
-pfp |
Get the bar or column fill pattern |
-pfpd |
Get the dataset for bar or column fill pattern indexing |
-pfpi |
Get start pattern index of bar or column fill pattern increment |
-pfw |
Get the fill pattern line width |
-pt |
Get the data plot ID |
-vox |
Get the X direction bar width for 3D bars (XYY, XYZ), in percentage. |
-voy |
Get the Y direction (3D XYY) or Z direction (3D XYZ) bar width, in percentage. |
Options for Data Plot Labels
Option |
Description |
-qb |
Get whether the data label is font bold |
-qi |
Get whether the data label is font italic |
-qu |
Get whether the data label with underline |
Other Options
Option |
Description |
-gn |
Get the LongName of the plot group in which the specified data plot is. |
-m |
Get dataset movability with the cursor |
-nhw |
Get the histogram bin worksheet name |
-nhwc |
Create the histogram bin worksheet |
-pfv |
Get the area plot fill-area-under-curve setting |
-pfn |
Get the mode of Fill to next data plot |
-s |
Get whether the data plot is hidden |
-skip |
Get the skip value for a dataset |
Example 1
The following script finds the display range of a dataset by setting variables BeginIndex and EndIndex.
range rr = [Book1]Sheet1!B;
get rr -b BeginIndex;
get rr -e EndIndex;
Example 2
Get the properties of a Symbol plot:
get %C -z Size;
get %C -k Shape;
get %C -kf interior;
type Symbol size is $(size) using shape $(shape) and Interior $(interior);
get %C -cse color1; // These are two color types
get %C -csf color2;
type With Edge Color $(color1) and Fill Color $(color2);
get %C -c color; // These are one color types
type With Color $(color);
Example 3
Get the properties of lines in a plot:
range rPlot = [Graph1]Layer1!1;
get rPlot -l LC;
get rPlot -d LS;
get rPlot -c Color;
get rPlot -w Width;
type Using Line Connection $(LC) with Style $(LS),
type Color $(color) and Width $(width/500) Pts.;
Example 4 Get the dataset for custom color list when custom color list is used:
get %c -cue nn;
dataset ds;
get %C -cu ds;
type "Custom Color List is not used in active plot";
See Also
Set (command)