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Toolbar Maker.opx
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Create a user-defined toolbar easily and quickly.

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The purpose of this app is to allow Origin users to easily create simple and personal toolbar buttons that run script.
Simply select an image for buttons, enter the tooltip, enter or copy-paste an existing LabTalk script, and click a button to generate a user-defined toolbar named Toolbar Maker.
In addition, you can find this toolbar button group (Toolbar Maker) by selecting View: Toolbars: Button Groups from the menu, and look for more custom options to edit the buttons.

Basic Usage:

  1. Open Toolbar Maker from the App Gallery.
  2. In the dialog, click to select the button that you want to edit.
  3. Enter some descriptive in the Tooltip Text box
  4. Enter or copy-paste LabTalk script in the code editor.
  5. Click Test Script button to execute the LabTalk script in the code editor, which can help to check if the script is valid.

You can further:

  • Click Open OGS File button to open the ToolbarMaker.ogs file in Code Builder.
  • Click Create/Update button to generate or modify the user-defined toolbar named Toolbar Maker.
  • Click Change Bitmap to modify the bitmap file for this button group.


  1. This App might not run properly on computers with Internet Explorer version 9 or earlier.
  2. When the user-defined toolbar Toolbar Maker is generated, the ToolbarMaker.ini file and ToolbarMaker.ogs file is automatically saved in your User File Folder.
    You should not rename or delete these files, or the buttons will no longer be editable in Toolbar Maker app.
  3. Only the buttons for which you have entered LabTalk script, will be created and added to the Toolbar Maker toolbar.
  4. If you are looking for more custom options such as the status bar message, the argument list and etc., please select View: Toolbars from the menu and then go to Button Groups tab and find Toolbar Maker button group from the Group list. (Please see more info.)
  5. The bitmap file for buttons must be a 16 color bitmap. Additionally, the bitmap should consist of a 16-pixel by 16-pixel segment for each button in your custom button group. So, for instance, if you wish to create a 5 button group, your bitmap would have to measure 16 pixels high by 80 pixels wide. Origin will parse the bitmap and assign to the buttons.
  6. Before you update the Toolbar Maker, please close the ToolbarMaker.ogs file in Code Builder first if you have it open.


v1.1 re-create toolbar when clicking Update button even if toolbar has been deleted via GUI
v1.2 Origin 2019 toolbar button *.bmp file has been moved to EXE folder

Reviews and Comments:
05/07/2018Tree123Very useful! It does help me a lot.