The (Plot Details) Group tabPD-Dialog-Group-Tab
When you double-click on a grouped plot; or you open the Plot Details dialog box and in the left panel, you select the data plot icon for the first dataset in a plot group, you open the Plot Details Group tab.
The controls available on this tab vary, depending on the graph type and the options that have been chosen on other Plot Details tabs. Use these controls to determine how styles are systematically applied to grouped plots.
Gereral Group tab
Group tab for Heatmap with Split Tiles
Edit Mode controls
- Independent: Allows independent customization of data plots in the group. This eliminates all group incremental behaviors, but does not change any plot styles which were already applied.
- Dependent: When chosen, apply incrementing controls as described below.
Note: The preferred method for customizing grouped data plots is to leave the Edit Mode set to Dependent and customize the incrementing behavior of plot elements (see next).
Group Incrementing Controls
Use these controls to customize the appearance of grouped data plots and develop "group incremental lists."
- The first column is a list of plot elements.
- The Increment column lists incrementing behavior for each element.
- The Subgroup column is used to specify the incrementing behavior for each element in grouped plots with subgroups.
- The Details column shows the list in use.
- The button to the right of Details opens a dialog -- the Increment Editor or the Build Colors dialog (color lists/palettes) -- in which you can customize the current list.
Increment Column
Click on the Increment column drop-down list to set incrementing behavior.
No incrementing is used and the first plot element is applied to all members of the group.
By One
The Details list is used for incrementing. If the list is shorter than the number of members in the group, then plot elements will repeat from the beginning when the list is exhausted.
The Details list is used for incrementing. If the list is longer or shorter than the number of members in the group, then the first member will use the first list element and the last member will use the last list element and the other members will interpolate the appropriate element.
The Details list is used for incrementing. If the list is not shorter than the number of members in the group, the members in the list will be binned according to the number of members in the group and the center member in the corresponding bin will be used for the corresponding member in the group. If the list is shorter than the number of members in the group, binning will be also performed but the same member in the list may be applied to multiple members in the group.
Book Long Name/Book Name/Sheet Name
The Details list is used for incrementing according to the indexing of the source Book Long Name/Book Name/Sheet Name. The plots are created from the workbooks with same Long Name or a same workbook or the worksheets with same name or a same worksheet will be indexed to same list element.
If the list is shorter than the number of members in the group, then plot elements will repeat from the beginning when the list is exhausted.
Long Name/Units/Comments/Sampling Interval
The Details list is used for incrementing according to the indexing of the source Book Long Name/Book Name/Sheet Name. The plots are created from the columns with same value(categorical value or numeric value) in the specified column label row will be indexed to same list element. If there is a column label row with values like 0, decimal values or values bigger than number of properties in list, as these values could not map to property list, Origin will treat this column label row as categorical text.
If the list is shorter than the number of members in the group, then plot elements will repeat from the beginning when the list is exhausted.
Subgroup Column
Specifies how to use the increment list in grouped plots.
Do not consider subgrouping when applying increment list.
Within Subgroup
Repeat increment list within each subgroup.
Between Subgroup
Repeat increment list between subgroups so plots in each subgroup will be treated as an entity and data plots within the same subgroup will share same style settings.
If you have selected any metadata(Book Long Name/Book Name/Sheet Name/Long Name/Units/Comments/Sampling Interval) in the Increment list, the Subgroup drop-down list will be disabled.
Details Column
- Click on the button to the right to open an Increment Editor for any plot element (editing of color elements is done with Build Colors).
- Click directly on the color bar to select a desired color list/palette.
- For more information on customizing color lists, see Customizing Data Plot Colors.
- Click the editable combo box in Symbol Size row to enter symbol sizes (by point) directly.
- The symbol sizes can be specified by a series of space separated values, or in the format of "Initial_Size(+Increment)". <Auto> means the same settings as Size on the Symbol tab.
a series of values separated by space
Working with Incremental Lists
Modifying Incremental Lists
- Click the
button to the right side of Details and open the Increment Editor or Build Colors dialog.
Use the Increment Editor or Build Colors to:
- Rearrange a list by dragging the numbered buttons in the first column (see "Nested" vs. "Concerted", below).
- Click on the arrow to the right of any list member to set another style (Increment Editor only).
- Right-click any list member to Add or Delete elements (added elements are appended to the bottom of the list).
- Click the Flip button
to reverse the order of list elements.
- In Increment Editor, right-click on an list to Save a List as a Theme or Load a previously saved Theme. In Build Colors, right-click for shortcut menu commands to Add, Insert or Delete or load another color list or palette. Click to Save the named list.
- The Build Colors shortcut menu also has a Rename mode that allows you to directly edit the default hex codes and assign more meaningful names to color (Note that names can be assigned when defining custom colors, also).
_Group_Tab/Tip_icon.png?v=9614) | When a plot property (color, symbol shape, etc.) is indexed to a column of categorical data, categories are displayed beside each plot style in the Increment Editor, or in Plot Details tab lists (Shape List, Interior List), making it easier to associate category and plot style.
"Nested" vs. "Concerted" Incrementing
When more than one plot element is set to increment By One, Stretch or Binned, you must choose to increment plot elements in either a Concerted or Nested fashion:
- Concerted: All incrementing elements will cycle through their member lists independently.
- Nested: You establish a hierarchy of elements in which all members of the first element list are exhausted before the members of the second element list are incremented, and so on.
The Group Members preview shows the effect of current settings.
- To change the incrementing mode, right-click anywhere in the group list controls and choose Nested or Concerted from the shortcut menu.
Reordering Nested Elements
When elements increment in Nested fashion, you can reorder elements and control how incrementing proceeds.
- Click and hold on a plot element, then drag to re-order the list. The Group Member preview will show how reordering affects plot display.
Saving and Reusing Increment Lists:
- Right-click on an element and choose Save Increment List.... Note that this action only saves a list for this particular element.
- To reuse this list at a later time, right-click on the element and choose Load Increment List.
- If you wish to save all element lists together, right-click and choose Save Theme.
- You can later retrieve this Theme by selecting Load Theme from the same shortcut menu.
Applying increment list within subgroup or between subgroups
For current grouped plots, you are allowed to subgroup them with the Subgrouping settings and apply increment list to the subgroup(s).
- Enable subgrouping by selecting By Size or By Column Label radio box, then, set Group Size or select Column Label.
- In the above table with group incrementing controls, Subgroup column will appear and allow you to select Within Subgroup or Between Subgroup from the drop-down list to specify how to apply the following increment list to the subgroup(s).
Group Members preview box
This view box displays current plot attributes for all the data plots in the group. The view box updates as you change selections on the Group tab or on the associated Plot Details dialog box tabs.
This control is used to further divide the grouped data plots into sub-groups either by a specific subgroup size, grouping identifier in a column label row or axis based on.
Enable subgroup
It specifies how to subgroup grouped plots.
Option list:
- None
- Disable subgrouping.
- By Size
- Subgroup data plots with a specified group size.
- By Column Label
- Subgroup data plots according to specified column label row.
- By Axis
- Subgroup data plots according to the two Y/Z axes. Once check this option, the plots based on same axis will be in one subgroup.
- Note: You can go to the Display tab to check and set the axis current plot based on. For 2D graph, two Y axes can be used to subgroup the plots; for 3D graph, two Y/Z axes can be used to subgroup the plots.
Subgroup Size
Only available when By Size is selected as Enable subgroup method. This drop-down list is used to select or enter the number of data plots within a subgroup.
Column Label
Only available when By Column Label is selected as Enable subgroup method. This drop-down list is used to select a built-in or user defined column label row from active worksheet as subgrouping identifier.
Note: When grouping column or bar graphs, the controls described here must be used with the Plot Details Stack tab control Use Subgrouping (in Group tab) for Cumulative/Incremental.
Example 1: Stacked Bar, Subgroup by Column Label
The following example shows three variations on the same worksheet data. Subgrouping is by column labels -- Long Name, Year or Budget.
Example 2: Control symbol sizes and colors by column header row
The following example supposes that you have group information in column Long Name and want scatters in the same group share the same size and color.
- On the Graph tab of Plot Details dialog, select By Column Label radio button in the Subgrouping group and select Long Name for Column Label.
- In the table, set Increment to By One and Subgroup to Between Subgroup for both Symbol Edge Color and Symbol Size.
- Specify Details for Symbol Edge Color and Symbol Size.
Show Multiple in Same Cell
This group control is only available for the heatmap with split tiles graph. Check this check box to allow spliitting the heatmap cell into multiple pieces by multiple Z values.
Note: Multiple Z values show in same heatmap cell only work when their X Y is same value. We will show plots in same group with same x y in same cell. On the other hand, label of each variable should be in center of related polygon.
Specify the shape for the pieces to split the heatmap cells.
For example, if there are four Z dataset, the heatmap cell will be splitted as below:
Split in Horizontal Direction
Split in Vertical Direction
Split in Both Directions
- Triangle: only work when number of Z dataset is 2^N(N<=3), if number of Z columns is not 2^N(N<=3), split the heatmap cell in vertical direction.
- Split in Both Directions: only work when number of Z dataset is N^2, if number of Z columns is not N^2, split the heatmap cell in vertical direction
Exchange Direction
Specify whether to exchange the arrangement direction of splitted pieces.
The default arrangement direction for the splitted pieces is clockwise(Triangle) or left-to-right(Split in Horizontal/Vertical Direction); Choosing Exchange Direction will make the direction be counter-clockwise or right-to-left. For Split in Both Directions, the default direction is row-by-row; exchanged direction is column-by-column.
Separator control
You are allowed to specify the color and thickness for the separator lines with the cell. Separator means the straight lines split the cell. The default color is white and the default thickness is 0.5.
When you set Separator Color and Separator Thickness to Auto, they will follow the setting of cell border lines which can be specified in Border group in Colormap tab.