27.5.2 Creating Custom Menus

With the Custom Menu Organizer tool, you can:

  • Create up to 3 main popup menus and each of them supports multi-level menus.
  • Assign LabTalk scripts/X-Function to a menu item.
  • Restrict a menu item's availability to instances when window of a specified type is active.
  • Share the customized menus as an .omc file with others.
  • Hide any built-in Menus.

The following example shows you how to create a menu named Worksheet Manipulation:

  1. Select Preferences: Custom Menu Organizer from the Origin menu.
  2. Select File: New from the menu to create a new OMC file.
  3. Right-click inside the left part of the Add Custom Menu panel and choose New main popup. In the right part, enter Worksheet Manipulation after Popup Text, select Window radio box and only check Workbook check box. This makes sure that the Worksheet Manipulation menu is available only when a worksheet is active.
    Create Custom Menus 1.png
  4. Right-click on Worksheet Manipulation in the left part of the Add Custom Menu panel and choose Add Item from the short-cut menu. Fill the edit boxes in the right part of the Add Custom Menu panel as follows:
    Add Custom Menu Panel New.png
  5. Select File: Save to save the changes as an .omc file. Go to the User Files Folder. Enter test.omc as the file name and click OK.
  6. Close the Custom Menu Organizer.
  7. Select Preference: Menu: test from the main menu. Activate a worksheet. The Worksheet Manipulation menu should appear.
    Menu In Origin.png
  8. If the worksheet has less than 10 columns. You will find that the Add Worksheet Columns to 10 menu item is enabled. Select it. The worksheet will have 10 columns.

Please note that all the .omc files in System folder, User Files Folder, Group folder will be listed under Preference: Menu. You need to choose one of them to make the customized menu active.

  • If the Tools menu has been hidden and you cannot open the Custom Menu Dialog from the main menu, you can enter customMenu in the Script Window or the Command Window to open the Custom Menu Organizer dialog.
  • You can drag-and-drop .omc files from Windows Explorer to the Origin workspace to open it. Or, you can directly put the .omc files under your System folder, User Files Folder or Group folder.
  • You can hide the Start menu and disable the associated F1 search function, by setting LabTalk system variable @DSB=1.